Flying Aces “T-Beam Gas Job”

Many gas modelers with limited working space have found that the larger power jobs are difficult to handle. Here, therefore, is a neat ship with a wing-span of but 54″, that is rugged, simple, dependable. Wing-span is 300 sq. in.

The fuselage is of T-beam construction, which makes a body that is strong, yet light. The longerons are cut to shape from sheet balsa and the T formed by gluing in the upper and lower ribs. Round off, then sand the job.

Make the nose of hard 1/8 ” sheet balsa, and the bottom of solid, hollowed out.

The ship may be powered with any motor, but one of the lighter ones may be advisable. If you wish to use a Brown Jr., move the wing and motor mount to the indicated position. This will necessitate the addition of an extra upright strut in rear of the mount. Weight may be added to the tail if the center of gravity is still too high.

The wing requires about 5 degrees incidence; the tail about 2. Adjust the tail and wing as needed in your particular ship.

Flying instructions are as usual. Fly the ship at a field with tall grass to help out in a crash. Don’t power-fly the ship until you’ve gained a good glide.

Technical data
wingspan 54 in.
length 36 in.
weight 12 oz. (without motor)
motor Brown Junior .60 B
covering double Jap. tissue


  • FLYING ACES, issue April 1938